About TrueNuff Comic

TrueNuff Comic is about a group of friends who play video games, drink, and argue with each other. We started the comic back in university after discovering webcomics and thinking, “Hey, we could do that!” Initially inspired by the authors’ “real-life” events, the characters quickly became wackier and took on lives of their own. Now, the comic is only loosely based on “real life” events.

In 2001, The Crew began creating comics for a student-run university newsletter. When the newsletter didn’t gain much traction, they decided to take the comics online—and the rest is history.

For more details on our origins, check out this episode of J.Rai’s podcast One of Us, where we dive deeper into our journey. You can also stay up to date with the latest news and developments about TrueNuff Comic on our blog.

Other stuff by TrueNuff

We tried our hand at being YouTubers for a bit and made some funny videos along the way. Check them out at TrueNuff.tv for a laugh, or just to see what happens when we get behind the camera!

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